Perry Hall Winter Arts & Crafts Sale
December 4, 2022 - A very good crowd was at the Perry Hall Winter Arts & Crafts Sale. The event expanded with more vendors and the weather was perfect for the last show of the year for D.A. Jennings. Over 100 artists, artisans, and homemade crafts filled the gym and upstairs cafeteria. A well planned and attended event.
Bel Air Holiday Market Downtown
November 26, 2022 - For the first time, D.A. Jennings participated in the Bel Air Holiday Market sponsored by the Downtown Alliance. The sun shone brightly but an invigorating chill prompted holiday shoppers to get down to business! Patrons were delightful and eagerly sought to bring the joy of reading to those on their shopping lists. The event was well organized, and Jennings is already anticipating next year's event.

The Tapping Stick presented to Harford Day School students.
November 17, 2022 - Incoming first graders at Harford Day School eagerly shared their love of trees after the reading of The Tapping Stick. Their joy of nature was contagious. The event ended with an unexpected but most delightful group hug from the children!
D.A. Jennings presents her picture book, The Tapping Stick, to The Highlands School
November 10, 2022 - New students, in the lower-level classes at The Highlands School, gathered to hear a reading of The Tapping Stick. Before the presentation, D.A. Jennings asked the children about their favorite trees. After the book was read, students shared what they would do with a stick in their hands.

Author & Artists Holiday Gift Sale 2022
November 5, 2022 – D.A. Jennings returned to the annual Authors & Artists Holiday Gift Sale at the Bel Air Armory in downtown Bel Air for her fourth year. This year there were 18 authors and 19 artists and artisans.
In addition to signing her books at the event, Debbie is also on the committee that plans, promotes and sets up the event.
Patrons were friendly and ready to select those perfect gifts for family and friends…and themselves. What a great day.

Mouse Tales at the Goddard School

October 20, 2022 – The children at The Godard School gave author D.A. Jennings and Kip a warm welcome as they returned to share his tale of adventure in Seize the Cheese. Boys and girls were equally excited to hear his story and during the Q&A they eagerly shared stories about their encounters with mice.
October 8, 2022 – Three of the Lit Ladies (authors, K.R. Raye, Irmgarde Brown, and D.A. Jennings) hit the road to participate in The Write Women Book Fest in Glenn Dale, MD. Customers perused the bounty of books available under the tents and attended various talks and readings from the attending authors. A fun festival dedicated to authors and people who love to read.

On The Road
Literary Readings among the Sunflowers

September 19, 2022 - D.A. Jennings read selected works from her book One Hundred Lives at Literary Readings among the Sunflowers of Jarrettsville. The event was sponsored by the Jarrettsville Library and included readings by other authors as well. Reading of her poem Bourbon Heat, in her best southern accent, was a crowd pleaser.

Guest Author at the Beach
August 6th, 2022 - The public debut of Mia, The Crooked Road at Bethany Beach Books in Delaware. D.A. Jennings sold and signed her newest book along with her other popular children's books. The crowds, the weather, and the great staff at the bookstore formed a perfect trifecta for a very successful day.
"Take a Hike" Summer Camp Reading
August 4th, 2022 - D.A. Jennings participated in Harford Community College’s "Take a Hike" summer camp program for children. The Harford County author read one of her latest illustrated children’s books The Tapping Stick which celebrates trees and how they can spark the imagination of children. The class was attentive and very engaged, with great questions about the environment. It was a great time for all.

APG Child Development Center Meets Kip
June 9, 2022 - Kip returned to the Aberdeen Proving Ground Child Development Center where D.A. Jennings read about him in her two books about the mischievous mouse. A comparison of Kip’s experiences in Seize the Cheese and Cheese? Yes, Please! was made by the author. The Q&A part of the presentation revealed that the children were well schooled in many of the positive attributes of a best friend. It was a delightful event.
Harford Day School and the The Tapping Stick
June 2, 2022 - Harford Day School hosted a wonderful celebration of trees and children within their library. D.A. Jennings read The Tapping Stick to the group of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders who were attentive and enthusiastic about the book and nature. Kudos to a school that definitely emphasizes respect for nature and the need for its preservation.

Kip goes to Aberdeen Proving Ground
May 19, 2022 - D.A. Jennings' first reading at the Aberdeen Proving Ground Youth Activity Center was from her two children's books Seize the Cheese and Cheese? Yes, Please!
Over twenty children from the Youth Center participated in the event. Brandon Neff, the Assistant Director later wrote, "I only heard good things from the children and staff (and ALL the children here yesterday came to listen!)." The interaction with the boys and girls was delightful.

Havre de Grace hosts
4th Annual Lock House Festival

April 23, 2022 - The Literature Ladies (#LitLadies - thanks KR for the #) celebrated originality of expression as they sold and autographed their books at the 4th Annual Lockhouse Festival in Havre de Grace, Maryland. The crowd was active making early purchases for birthdays, special celebrations, and themselves. The #LitLadies worked well together and you'll see this quartet at other shows. They are, L-R: D.A. Jennings, Irmgarde Brown, Claudine Marcin, & K.R. Raye.

D.A. Jennings at Harford Community College Event
April 13, 2022 - D.A. Jennings returned to Harford Community College, this time reading her award-winning book The Tapping Stick for children and their families. The children eagerly participated by answering questions about how they would use different sticks. Children and adults enjoyed coloring pages from the book while they ate cookies provided by the school.
First Annual Book Fair at Brightview Senior Living - Avondell, Hosts Local Authors
April 8, 2022 - Brightview Senior Living Community - Avondell, in Bel Air, hosted their first annual Book Fair. Ingrid Riseley, Vibrant Living Director, rolled out the red carpet for twelve local authors. Residents, family, and friends came to the Susquehanna room to meet the authors and purchase autographed copies of their books. A delightful time was had by all. All are looking forward to this being a recurring annual event.

Trinity Lutheran Christian School Reading of Seize the Cheese and Cheese? Yes, Please!

On March 31, 2022 - Ms. Colleen Bohlen introduced D.A. Jennings to over one-hundred students at the Trinity Lutheran Christian School. Enthusiasm permeated the sanctuary and made the author feel most welcome. Both Kip books were read and a discussion followed about friendship and what makes a best friend. The children impressed the author with their attention to details and their desire to participate. B.A. Thomas’ technical support was greatly appreciated.
Author Reading at Harford Community College
Early Learning Center

March 10, 2022 - The Early Learning Center at Harford Community College hosted D.A. Jennings to read her award-winning illustrated children's book, The Tapping Stick.
Her latest book won the Silver Medal in the 2021 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards, Environmental Issues.

Guest Speaker at the Highlands School
February 17, 2022 - The Highlands School hosted author D.A. Jennings as guest speaker for three of her books and discussions about being a writer. The Lower and Middle-Level students found out about Kip’s mischievous exploits in Seize the Cheese and Cheese? Yes, Please! The students engaged in conversation about friendship and knowing when someone is really a best friend.
The Upper-Level students heard poetry from the author’s book One Hundred Lives. Discussion included writing topics, pursing writing, and following their American Dream.

"Our students and teachers were so inspired by your presentations! Thank you for sharing your passion with us."
Jennifer Palinkas, Ph.D.
Director of Business and Development
The Highlands School

February 10, 2022 - Author D.A. Jennings was greeted warmly by The Goddard School children as they held up a poster welcoming her to their school. Before the presentation there was much discussion
Author Reading at the Goddard School

about how a mouse had visited almost everyone's house! Then all eyes became riveted to the illustrations on the screen as the book was read. The girls and boys rallied support for Kip with their shouts in unison of "Seize the Cheese!" It was a lovely time of laughter and learning about friends.

D.A. Jennings Returns to In-Person teaching at HCC
January 25 - March 8, 2022 - Author D.A. Jennings returns to teaching in the classroom at Harford Community College. After several semesters of successful on-line teaching, the college has reopened for face-to-face teaching, with masks. This semester's theme is What You See, based on Henry David Thoreau's quote, "The question is not what you look at but what you see."

Harford County Living features D.A. Jennings as
Artist of the Week
January 11, 2022 - Harfordcountyliving.com has recognized D.A. Jennings as Artist of the Week. This social media website has over 19,000 followers and millions of hits to its' website. Rich Bennett does a great job of publishing positive news about Harford County businesses, people and events.
Debbie was highlighted in April 2020 on HarfordCountyLiving.com podcast by Rich Bennett where she talked about her books, inspiration, and teaching at Harford Community College.
Her book Mia, Ripples in the Water was also featured as book of the month in May of 2020.